Making Good on My Promise

As promised, I'm going to post a teaser for chapter 2. I finished it the other day. I'm still waiting to hear back from PTB from submitting the first one. Luckily, I got a response from shamelessly asking for help from some of the betas on TWCS. I've sent off both chapters, and will possibly be able to get the new one up a lot sooner than originally planned.

Okay, so, here's a little something from chapter 2:

I heard a loud huff on the other end of the phone. I braced myself for what was going to come out of Alice’s mouth next. 

“Look, Bella,” Alice started, “I usually keep my mouth shut when it comes to your relationship with my brother. But, there is something that I have to say.”

Fuck, here it comes, I thought.

“Allie, please don’t,” I begged in a small voice.

“I’m sorry, but I have to say it,” she asserted. “What are you doing with my jackass of a brother? God, B, you have so much to offer. And, yet, where are you? At home on a Friday evening because your douche bag boyfriend is out doing god knows what with god knows whom.”

“Stop it,” I cried, as the tears gathered in my eyes. 

“No, you don’t know what he’s doing, or who. I’m not saying this to hurt you, but to help you. You need to realize that maybe it’s time to move on, and find someone else.” Alice implored.

I wiped my eyes and answered her.

Good? Bad? Let me know what you think.

(story posted up on The Writers Coffee Shop. Here's a link to my profile.)

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